On today’s episode of 2PM’s internet vlog feature, “Real 2PM“, footage of their first “Hands Up” fan signing at Synnara Records was revealed.
In order to meet a larger group of fans, the boys split up into two different vans to visit the record stores in Incheon and Ilsan. The vlog’s main focus today was to show the members’ boisterous level of energy in their vans as they prepared for the fan signings. The boys proved to be quite the jokers, as they showed off their comedic sides by playing endless jokes for the camera.
Junsu pretended to have invited Wooyoung and Nichkhun to the van and introduced them to the camera. The two boys played along until Wooyoung burst out with, “Our Junsu hyung is busy lately because of ‘Immortal Song 2‘…… Wake up!!”
In Taecyeon’s van, he greeted the camera by saying, “Hello, this is Taecyeon. Have you all been well? I missed you.” Chansung couldn’t stand his cheesiness, though, and immediately put a halt to it.
After arriving at their respective locations, the two groups each met up with 150 special fans for a two hour-long fan signing. Check out the goodness below now!